My Four Pillars

Deep Dive


Personal Life

The first of my four pillars is about my Personal Life. The areas of my life that inspire me, my hobbies, my mentors, and activities that keep me healthy!

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My Family Life

Michael J. Fox said it best "Family is not an important thing. It's everything.” My 2nd pillar is where my "why" comes from. When I'm having a great day, they are the first to know, and conversely when I'm having a tough day they are the first to turn me around.

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My Faith Life

In an effort to always be a better person than what I was last month, I look to my faith to help guide me on my life's journey!

“Nothing great is ever achieved without enduring much.” - St. Catherine of Siena

I understand everyone has different Faith views, but I think we can all agree: It doesn't matter if it was yesterday, a month ago, or even 2000 years ago, there is so much we can learn from the past to help us grow as humans all living together.

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My Business Life

My Last pillar is my Business Life. This is the area that I get to flex my creative muscle and think outside of the box! This is the area of my life that I get to help teach and lead others to their own personal successes. I'm extremely grateful for the people I get to lead now and I'm looking forward to growing my relationships and learning new strategies to build businesses.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

-- Winston S. Churchill